Life Giving Land
Ζείδωρος Γη -/zeedoros gi/-
The word "zeedoros", in ancient Greek, is the one who gives, who offers life.
The innovative "Life Giving Land" series by HELIOS is inspired by unique recipes of the rich Greek gastronomic tradition, based on valuable raw materials mainly from the Greek land. Greek Saffron "Krokos Kozanis P.D.O.", carob, Cretan dittany and Greek coffee contain extremely rich nutrients which are beneficial to the human body.
These fine ingredients, are brought to every home by the enriched "Life - giving land" series for those who wish to add more refined flavors to their daily family table.
Helios Pasta with flavors from the Greek Land
Greek Saffron, carob, dittany of Crete and Greek Coffee contain extremly rich nutrients which are beneficial to the human body.
These fine ingedients, are brought to every home by the enriched ''Life-giving land'' series for those who wish to add more refined flavors to their daily family table.
Helios Organic Emmer-Farro Dicocco Wheat Pasta
Organic Pasta made from Emmer-Farro dicocco wheat is a very good source of protein and trace elements.
The dicocco wheat, an integral part of the diet of the ancient Greeks, has the advantage of maintaining its nutritional characteristics to the maximum, as nature has endowed it with a resilient hull which remains attached to the seed until the moment of its removal by special treatment.